3 Secrets To Start Dental Assisting In Less Than 4 months

  • It doesn’t take a college degree or some sort of medical school to be a Dental Assistant. You can complete your Dental Assisting training in less than 4 months.
  • You will receive all of the certificates you need to work as a Dental Assistant in our 13 week program.
  • We have a high graduation rate and a high job placement rate, which basically means that all our students begin working in a dental office in a matter of days after finishing the program.

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Bonus: Our classes are hands-on and fun. Our program is inexpensive and we have affordable financial options.

Now that you know these secrets, YOU could be working as a Dental Assistant in less than 4 months too. Reserve a spot in the next class by clicking here.

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Cost & Payment Options

  • Class Schedules
  • Current Cost & Payment Options
  • Financial Options
  • Low Tuition (so everyone can afford it)